August 16, 2023

Beyond the Surface: What Does an IT Consultant Actually Do?

Beyond the Surface: What Does an IT Consultant Actually Do?

Information technology consultants are in high demand across the modern business landscape because the technology that makes up the backbone of businesses and their products and services continues to grow and evolve.

To succeed, businesses must be vigilant in assessing their technology and how well it supports their needs. Hiring an IT consultant for expert advice, professional systems management, and in-house training is a cost-effective way to ensure businesses are operating as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Overview of IT Consulting

An IT consultant is a highly trained professional who understands the realm of technology, thinks creatively about solving IT system issues, and offers proactive ways that these systems can help businesses successfully meet their goals, generate profit, and satisfy the expectations of their customers.

IT consultants offer a broad range of services to their clients. Key tasks include assessment of their client’s technology infrastructure, installation of new systems to best meet existing and future needs, and regular communication with their clients. Additional tasks can include everything from systems management and troubleshooting issues to software installation, user training and helpdesk support.

IT consultants are poised to adapt to changing technology needs, such as the shift to remote work, cybersecurity issues and increasing expectations for new and innovative automated services.

Key Responsibilities of IT Consultants

Communication is key to assessing the technological needs and challenges of clients. IT consultants will start by asking questions to fully understand what a business does and what its specific goals and outcomes are.

With that information, IT consultants are skilled at creating tailored IT solutions — bundling hardware, software and services — to address the unique needs and issues of each business. Sometimes that involves completely new technology.  Other times, consultants will deploy and integrate new technologies into existing systems. In both cases, IT consults can efficiently manage both the installation process and needed employee training during and after implementation.

Throughout the whole process, IT consultants have the experience and training to understand and manage the critical importance of ensuring data security and compliance with relevant regulations.

Specializations in IT Consulting

IT consultants can specialize in various areas, such as:

  • Designing and managing IT infrastructure: These consultants support the whole technology system for a business, ensuring that the best platforms in place to meet business goals and improving the performance of those systems.
  • Cybersecurity: These consultants are experts in safeguarding against digital threats.
  • Cloud-based solutions: Through cloud consulting, businesses maximum their return on investment in cloud-based technologies optimized for speed, agility and safety.
  • Data analysis: IT consultants help businesses derive insights from data through analytics, measuring success as well as identifying other areas in need of improvement.

The IT Consulting Process

IT consultants begin their engagements with clients with an introductory meeting, asking detailed question about what the business does, its goals, its issues and more. This meeting is all about listening and learning about the client.

Consultants digest that information and begin analyzing the client’s needs, formulating a strategy and proposing realistic technology solutions.

These ideas are presented to the client, and both sides must agree on the direction and establish a working agreement to move forward. This includes ongoing communication as well as the measurements needed to show how well the solution, once implemented, is working.

Consultants are then tasked with executing the plan, monitoring its progress, and making any necessary adjustments. And the job doesn’t stop when the technology is installed. Consultants can also oversee ongoing employee training and deliver reports that analyze the effectiveness of the changes.

Skills and Qualifications of Successful IT Consultants

Essential technical skills and knowledge required for IT consultants include proficiency in computer and information systems as well as active certifications that show expertise in the near constant changes in IT.

Because of the nature of the work with clients, strong communication and collaboration abilities are critical. IT consultants must be able to communicate in a language the client understand and adjust any recommendations made to meet the client’s skills, needs and budget.

IT consultants must be persistent problem-solvers, something that takes critical thinking and adaptability in handling diverse challenges.

Contact GUT Consulting for Your IT Needs

Valued for their ability to enhance efficiency, security, and overall technological competence, IT consultants are a trusted voice in helping businesses optimize their technology usage now and into the future.

GUT Consulting is ready to partner with you on solution to your IT needs. Contact us to learn more.