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March 22, 2024

IT Consulting for Small Businesses: What to Expect

Small businesses rely on technology to operate smoothly and efficiently with limited resources. Don’t let limited staffing and training turn your technology into liability.

Hiring an outside service that provides small business IT consulting can help prevent major service issues for employees and customers or a costly data breech, saving you time and money in the long run and allowing your team to focus on growing the business. 

What is IT Consulting?

Simply put, IT consulting services help clients solve an IT problem. That could mean helping a company strategize how to use technology or choose the best technology system to meet business goals. Or it could mean advising a company on a single technology project or issue, such as moving to cloud-based computing, troubleshooting a new app or repairing a broken network.

The Benefits of IT Consulting for Small Businesses

Using an IT consulting service offers many advantages to small businesses, from keeping abreast of the latest trends in technology to ensuring that operating systems safe and secure. Here are five of them:

  •  Access to expertise: IT consultants offer a team of technology professionals with training and experience in the specific skills that your business needs.
  • Cost savings: IT service firms work on a contract basis, which can be more cost-effective than hiring your own IT staff. By ensuring that your business technology is up to date and running smoothly, you will be better prepared to meet business goals and generate profits.
  • Increased efficiency: IT consultants have the breadth of expertise to address infrastructure issues quickly or provide insight on the right technology tools for the job, keeping your employees productive, happy and focused.
  • Enhanced security: Expert IT support will protect businesses from cyber threats on multiple fronts and ensure your business data and customer information remains safe and secure. IT consultants can also help businesses develop plans to restores IT systems and access to data and information after a disaster.
  • Strategic guidance: A small business’ infrastructure needs will change as it grows and as technology evolves. IT consultants can help businesses plan for and manage these changes.

GUT Consulting: IT Consulting Tailored for Your Small Business

GUT takes all the benefits of IT consulting and makes them better by offering managed services that are customizable to your businesses’ specific needs. We become your IT team, freeing you from the burden of hiring and training a team and then managing overtime, benefits, salaries and vacations.

As a managed service provider, a highly trained and experienced team at GUT can take over your entire IT infrastructure or support specific projects — as much or as little as your small business needs.

Unlike the “break-fix” model, we charge a simple fixed price for service delivery and support services that include business continuity, managed security, cloud-based computing, and more to help your small businesses thrive and grow. Our approach promotes simplicity and efficiency: We provide you a single point of contact and an easy-to-use ticketing system.

With 10-plus years of leadership and strategic technology experience, GUT Consulting can keep your IT infrastructure optimized for your business needs.

Contact GUT Consulting for Your Small Business IT Needs

Your small businesses relies on a technology solution that is both cost-effective and proven. GUT Consulting knows how to implement and manage your technology, cloud services, and information systems. More importantly, we specialize in helping small businesses. Contact us for a quote on managed IT services for your business.

February 19, 2024

5 Ways Full-Service IT Consulting Can Help Your Business Grow

5 Ways Full-Service IT Consulting Can Help Your Business Grow

Running a business is no simple task. In addition to being an expert at your product or service, you have to oversee business operations. In today’s world, that includes managing the technology needs of your business.

Having technology systems that are behind the curve can mean that your business falls behind too. But, managing your business tech is often a full-time job and having one person do it all isn’t realistic. What’s a business owner to do? The answer could lie in full-service IT consulting.  

What is Full-Service IT?

Full-service IT consulting, also known as IT managed services, provides your business with a fully operational IT department for less. You’ll get all the benefits of an in-house IT department without the burden and cost of hiring and managing a full-time staff.

Full-service IT goes far beyond basic a basic, break-fix relationship in which you only collaborate when something isn’t working. IT managed services gives you access to expert consultants who proactively advise, plan, and implement all kinds of IT solutions to support your operations.

Grow Your Business with Full-Service IT Consulting

The benefits of hiring full-service IT consulting for your business can’t be overstated. Acquiring a team of tech experts is the fast track toward business growth. Here are just 5 ways full-service IT consulting can rocket your business to the next level.

  1. Increases Your Bottom Line Working with a full-service IT consulting company saves you money and helps you earn more. First, you’ll enjoy the benefit of an experienced IT team without the cost of hiring and managing one. Secondly, you’ll gain more efficient systems and faster resolutions to your issues, increasing productivity and your bottom line.
  2. Saves You Time Troubleshooting IT issues can gobble up countless hours of your time that could be better spent on business development. With a full-service IT company, you won’t have to devote precious time and energy resolving tech issues. You can rely on 24/7 support when you need it, freeing you up to focus on your core business.
  3. Strategically Upgrades Your Systems
    When you hire a full-service IT consulting company, you have access to an entire team of experienced professionals. Each brings their perspective and area of expertise to your systems to strategically assess your needs, advise you on areas of improvement, and implement solutions. You’ll enjoy peace of mind knowing that your tech is efficient and set up for your growth.
  4. Lowers Your Risk
    Cybersecurity is a big concern for most businesses but can be tough to execute without the right support. Having a team help you navigate an ever-changing landscape of threats keeps your critical data more secure and protects you against catastrophic data breaches.
  5. Support that Grows with Your Needs
    With a full-service IT consulting company, you’ll have access to a trusted team of advisors that can support you as your business evolves. In other words, it has the capacity to grow with your business. You and your business will benefit from the ease of long-term collaboration and 24/7 support that an established partnership can provide.

Contact GUT Consulting for Full-Service IT

Full-service IT consulting provides a host of benefits to you and your business. Engaging IT managed services frees you up to devote more time and energy to your core business and helps you stay competitive in a tech-driven world.

GUT Consulting is a full-service managed IT company serving clients across the US. We stand out from the competition because we believe in creating and implementing proactive ideas to increase profits, efficiency, and sales for your business. Your success is our success. Contact us and let us be your IT partner for every business need.

February 5, 2024

Defense in Depth (DiD): Think Like a Hacker

Cybercriminals are always looking for new ways to bypass security defenses. That’s why it’s essential to think like a hacker and adopt measures to stay ahead of them. This is what Defense in Depth (DiD) is all about.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines DiD as “The application of multiple countermeasures in a layered or stepwise manner to achieve security objectives. The methodology involves layering heterogeneous security technologies in the common attack vectors to ensure that attacks missed by one technology are caught by another.”

In simple terms, DiD is a cybersecurity approach in which multiple defensive methods are layered to protect a business. Since no individual security measure can guarantee protection against every attack, combining several layers of security can be more effective.

Before you start your DiD journey, it’s crucial to stay informed about the changing threat landscape.

9 threats to protect your business against

While there are numerous threats that businesses like yours must be aware of, let’s look at some of the most common.

1. Ransomware 

Ransomware is a type of malware that threatens to disclose sensitive data or blocks access to files/systems by encrypting it until the victim pays a ransom. Failure to pay on time can lead to data leaks or permanent data loss.

2. Phishing/Business email compromise (BEC) 

Phishing involves a hacker masquerading as a genuine person/organization primarily through emails or other channels like SMS. Malicious actors use phishing to deliver links or attachments that execute actions such as extracting login credentials or installing malware.

Business email compromise (BEC) is a scam that involves cybercriminals using compromised or impersonated email accounts to manipulate victims into transferring money or sharing sensitive information.

3. Cloud jacking

Cloud jacking, or hijacking, entails exploiting cloud vulnerabilities to steal an account holder’s information and gain server access. With more and more companies adopting cloud solutions, IT leaders are worried about cloud jacking becoming a significant concern for years to come.

4. Insider threats 

An insider threat originates from within a business. It may happen because of current or former employees, vendors or other business partners who have access to sensitive business data. Because it originates from the inside and may or may not be premeditated, an insider threat is hard to detect.

5. Denial-of-Service/Distributed Denial-of-Service (DoS and DDoS)

These attacks are common and easy to carry out. In a DoS or DDoS attack, hackers flood the targeted system with multiple data requests, causing it to slow down or crash.

6. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) hacks

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are trending topics within the IT world for their path-breaking applications. However, AI and ML help hackers more efficiently develop an in-depth understanding of how businesses guard against cyberattacks.

7. Internet of Things (IoT) risks and targeted attacks

IoT devices are a favorite target of cybercriminals because of the ease of data sharing without human intervention and inadequate legislation.

8. Web application attacks

Vulnerabilities within web applications permit hackers to gain direct access to databases to manipulate sensitive data. Business databases are regular targets because they contain sensitive data, including Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and banking details.

9. Deepfakes

A deepfake is a cyberthreat that uses artificial intelligence to manipulate or generate audio/video content that can deceive end users into believing something untrue.

Get up and running with DiD

To keep sophisticated cyberthreats at bay, you need a robust DiD strategy. Your strategy should involve layering multiple defensive methods, like firewalls, intrusion prevention and detection systems, endpoint detection and response (EDR) and more, to build a security fortress that’s hard to crack.

DiD is an undertaking that requires time and effort. That’s why collaborating with a partner like us who can implement and maintain your DiD strategy while you focus on your business is ideal. Contact us to learn more.